Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Post #5

I used three video editors in the first four module assignments: Imovie, Video Pad v2.3 (30 day free trial of NCH software), and Final Cut Pro v4.5.  I will use Final Cut Pro for my final project in this class.  I have used YouTube Downloader and Download helper from Mozilla to appropriate video from the internet.

During the opening credits you hear the sound of sirens and heavy breathing as if from running but it is a set-up.  Then the fade-in to the face of a young black man and you are free to interpret his breathing as a sign of guilt of something because of the sirens.  The simple act of going to the store becomes a morality play of prejudice.  The close-up of the clerk and the cut-away to his thinking... he sees the young black man having his mug shot... this means he does not see a young man... he sees a young black criminal.  This devise is used through-out the film.  The close-up and then the cutaway to the minds eye tells the story of prejudice.  In the boys mind we see his Christian baptism and his mother dying of breast cancer.  In the mind of the clerk and the woman shopper we see the prejudice images.  Finally, we see the truth.  This is a classic story of bait and switch.  The woman shopper is the thief and the young black man is a talented dancer dealing with his mother's cancer.  This award winning film shows us the power of prejudice and the power of imagery.

I intend to post a video addressing some advanced techniques for titles, the importance of sound, and camera tricks as soon as I can but I wanted to get this required part done ASAP.

Well, so much for intentions...
I did get a little done with titles and sound.  Ask me questions if you are interested in Compositing (combining of visual elements from separate sources into single images).

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