Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog Post Final Project Part 2

This video for part 2 of the EDTE 286 Final Project was created mostly using the Camstudio screen capture program.  The clips from Camstudio plus one brain picture and a few background crowd ambience sound tracks (and applause and crickets) and two additional voiceovers were put together in Final Cut Pro 4.5.  The purpose of the crowd sounds in the background is to simulate a functioning social network.
It is difficult to apply the Multimedia Learning Principles in an exploration of a website with lots of text but I avoided any additional text and kept the information content in the audio with the images of the website as support.
The development of the website is just getting going and there are many things that will be added and changed before it is ready to use.  However, this brief overview should give everyone the basic idea.
The view screen in the blog is too small and I recommend clicking on the, 'watch on YouTube' link for a better picture.
Do you think a Social Network for Second Language Learning, as presented here, is useful in offering authentic communicative opportunity for second language learners?


  1. I envy your project James. You get to do all kinds of fun software installations and configurations! Your video does help give me a context for your CE.

  2. Jim, I cannot hear your narrative (sounds somewhat muffled compared to the previous audio narrative) over the background noise. Also, a question to consider, how much, of the website text do you want viewers to read? The overview goes quickly over some parts of the website text but at other times I am able to read the text, such as the survey questions, which are of interest. Something to think about; is it worthwhile to have viewer read parts of the website, or is the narrative the entire focal point with supporting images.

  3. The use of software is very good in this second video. The screen capture software is well used and is easy to follow along with. However, you might need to re-do the audio due to a rather distracting audio interference in the background. It sounds like people are talking. Other than the audio this is very well done!
